The new coordX and coordY will replace the x/y we're used to.
The block that we draw within will be given it's x/y coordinates with cvX and cvY.
C_C is the constant spacing we use - the height and width of each block.
What our DO loop is doing is -
- drawing a filled circle in each block
- moving to the next block to the right until we hit the width of the canvas
- moving to the next row and back to the left
The checks for a block being at the end of it's line adds the constant spacing so we don't have circles half on the screen and half off the screen.
function drawShapes() {
var coordX = 1,
coordY = 1;
var cvX = 1,
cvY = 1;
var C_C = 25,
R = 12.5;
do {
coordX = C_C * cvX;
coordY = C_C * cvY;
drawCircle(coordX, coordY, R);
if (coordX >= w - C_C) {
cvX = 1;
while (C_C * cvY + C_C < h);
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